Creating responsibility groups


To assign contact names to “Target Responsibility” for those in “Existing Responsibility”.


Open the Data Extraction Screen

Select the Mail To field and choose “Existing Responsibility”

 Tick the “Only report on organisations…..”  checkbox (below the mailto field – this gets rid of orgs with no named events responsibilities)

Click the filter button

This is how many records there are on the system with “Existing Responsibility”.


(should you wish to refine the search an further i.e. only copy responsibilities from members, with 1- 10 employees – you just add that to the criteria before filtering.)


To put these into the “Target Responsibility” 

select the tools tab on the Data Extraction Screen.

In the uppermost dropdown box – choose “Existing Responsibility” 

In the lowermost choose “Target Responsibility” 

Then click the “Assign New responsibilities” button.

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